Thursday, February 22, 2018

I'm (Pro)Found

Hot damn have these last few years been infused with self-discovery and self-exploration.
I’d have put an explanation point after that statement, but to be honest, it wasn’t exciting- it was frightening. Was it worthwhile? Yes. Was it hard? Hell yes. Was it uncomfortable? Absolutely. Would I trade it for anything? Fuck no.

I learned I am in no position to gauge the worthiness of another man (or woman, or anyone else for that matter). You might read that statement and think “Well, ya YOU had to learn that but ME, nah I already know that.” Ya, sure YOU do pal. Good luck to you, see ya in the funny papers.

I learned that I have capacity to change for the better and I have the right to seek self-improvement. During that time I also learned those around me can do the same, no matter where they started from. It was a hard pill to swallow that someone else’s opinion could have relevance other than mine.

I learned that the truly intelligent never stop learning…from anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

I learned that no person is defined by one act within their lives, nor several. We are defined by what we do to make this world better than we found it.

I learned that I am not perfect, and really no one is…though I had that one put together a while back.

I learned that I am not the smartest person in the room… Well, to be honest, I’m still working on that one, and also changing the actual rooms I hang out in helps quite a bit.

When I started this journey, I thought that human existence was a highly overrated phenomenon. Now I have come to learn that empathy is what is really a truly UNDERrated phenomenon.

This is to everyone that I have crossed paths with in the last two and a half years that has made me pause and ask myself, “Could I do better?”

I am here to tell you: You can make it, you can do better, and to hell with all the people that think otherwise.

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