Monday, July 18, 2016

Qui custodit scurra?

Before I begin this one, I feel it’s important to state a few things up front, just so you, as readers, understand where I’m coming from:
1)      I do NOT claim to know Latin – I used Google translate to decipher “Who Watches the Joker?”  - so if it’s off, blame them.
2)      I am a CASUAL comic book fan – meaning I don’t know every piece of trivia, developing news, or fan boy tidbit there is to know. I realize this is just a “theory” of how things my shake out in DCs new Rebirth series. Further, I also realize this “revelation” is not quite 2 months old as I write this. However, when I came across this VIDEO a few days ago, it sparked the need to write about the potential storyline. Heck, it may even have already been resolved and discredited as of this writing (though I couldn’t find anything online indicating as such).
3)      I absolutely love The Watchmen (I have 5 Watchmen-related tattoos on my skin, so you could say I’m a fan) I love The Joker (I have 4 Joker-related tattoos, again, I’m a fan, I think I’ve established that). Needless to say I am having a NERGASM at even the very thought of this storyline.

For those of you that don’t know DC is re-launching all of its series, and the company likes to do so through huge all-encompassing storylines. “Rebirth” is the most current effort to do this. In doing so DC has stated the “New 52” (DCs previous reboot of their fictional universe) was created by none other than (drum roll please) Dr. Manhattan! *nerd swoon*

Now in re-launching the universe the powers-that-be over at DC touted they would be revealing the true identity of the Joker. Following this, Batman discovers through sitting in the Mobius chair (fictitious chair that contains all the knowledge of the world within the DC Universe- again stress on fictitious) he learns there were actually 3 Jokers!

Why is this so interesting to me you ask? Well, that’s the exciting part! There’s a possibility that one of these three Jokers is potentially- The Comedian! *nerd swoon*

There have been several potential clues surrounding this, the greatest of which is Batman discovering The Comedian’s badge behind an item of Joker evidence within the bat cave.


I guess you could surmise that I am thrilled at the possibility. Of course, whether or not DC pulls it off with some interesting stories to follow it (or goes through with it at all) remains to be seen. Until then, one can hope…

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