Saturday, March 28, 2020

For Cali

            So I’ve been putting this off.

            We’ve lost someone. A “someone” most of you may consider a “something”. We don’t, and I’ll fight you if you argue that fact, and win. Just like she would. ‘cause she was a fighter, more appropriately a scrapper- fighting above her weight class against all the things we are, or will be eventually.

            This dog, this fucking dog, was as sweet as honeydew, perhaps with a shape like one and as vicious without teeth as your grandma (I mean if your Nana ever bit you).

            There was no better joy in life than seeing her do her dachshund run, ears and legs sprawled, going all out (which in reality was no faster than your Nana could run on her slowest day, even in her prime).

            Warning, it’s about to get real…(do people say that, or is ‘spoiler-alert’ more appropriate?).

            We are in fact, surrounded by a great deal of “what-ifs and “meh” these days. Despite all that, it is my firm belief that no one suffers when people are actively dying (animal, person or otherwise), I do not consider this an issue of faith. The physical act of dying is only for the living, so we may grieve and have closure necessary to move on. It is my estimation that a merciful God (whoever that may be to you) would do so, simply because the dying are far more willing to move on before we are.

            But Cali, damn if she didn’t beat Death back time after time.  That dog, got beat down, heart stopped, kidneys stopped and still got back up. I have no idea the pain she may or have not been in, but through our observation (and my wife’s astute experience as hospice nurse), and veterinarian intervention, she was ever game. She got meds, and bounced back better than ever…1…2…3 times over the course of nearly 8 years.  16 years and 3 months as a dog? Well that’s pretty damn good. And you know what? She drank whiskey and smoked Marlboros everyday…no wait scratch that last part, different memoriam. At any rate, I knew a Dachshund that was tougher than you.

R.I.P. Cali – you are forever missed, the joy and the loss you brought to our lives has literally (yes literally) been felt across the country)

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