Monday, October 10, 2016

Why Do I Attract the Weirdos?

“I think we’re all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong.”
- Dorks, Aesop Rock

I’m not the type that has a lot of friends, never has been, likely never will be. This used to bother me. I would often wonder how it was that folks that were seemingly shallow, vapid and self-serving individuals could have a plethora (Yes, I know what a ‘plethora’ is...) of friends.

Those phenomenal people, the ones that seem to be flawless, and have it all together. I’ve met them, and we don’t mesh well. You know the ones that lack scars, skills and struggle. They’ve barely lived, if at all, and you can see it, the blank look in their eyes gives it away.

After years of frustration and stress I finally figured it out; people have low standards- lower than I do anyway. So it turns out I’m blessed, not cursed, with a few close friends. And now that I’m older I wouldn’t want it any other way.

However, this brings me to my conundrum, why do I always get the weirdos? The outcasts? The people with the flaws, quirks, personality disorders? I could go on, but you get my point. Anyway, the question still stands, Why do I attract the weirdos?
In fact, you might find yourself asking the exact same question.
I’ve got good news though, the answer is surprisingly simple…

...Because I’m a weirdo too.

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