Monday, October 24, 2016

My Brother's Keeper

Why is it most people these days are so unlikely to give one another a leg up?
I mean what are we afraid of?
Is it the possibility that in giving someone a helping hand we’re competing for limited resources and to help them gain expertise in turn helps them better compete for resources we too might want for ourselves?
Is it the aspect of taking the time to actually help that deters most people from assisting others?
Or is it just pure selfishness? To put it another way; we’re more into taking care of our own business than taking care of anyone else.
I just threw out a lot of questions, rapid-fire right there. And now that I’ve done that, I can answer: Truthfully, I have no idea why most humans can deny another the a simple act of helpfulness, let alone outright ignore the suffering of others.
Right about now you might be thinking; What’s got me on this tangent? (Yes, I know yet another question.)
That I can answer: I was reading an email from a fellow writer where she was discussing how she is constantly promoting and giving shout outs to people on social media, but seldom gets anything of the sort in return. (I’m sure some of you are thinking about social media and how fickle and self-serving people can be, I’m looking at you Twitter.)
At any rate, I figured it might be time I return the favor for someone that’s been supportive of my writing for many years, so here goes:
The fellow writer I mentioned earlier has been relentlessly promoting her books for a long time. The fierceness with which she believes in herself and supports others is only rivaled by her ability to see the positive in any experience. This shows in the passion she has for her writing. Emmy Morgan has penned tales of her main character; DesirĂ©, and drawn from her own experience as a transwoman to create a timely and compelling story. And while I would be the first to admit what I know about a transwoman’s struggle in modern America wouldn’t be enough to fill Donald Trump’s gloves, Emmy’s energy gives both life and voice to her character in a way few could.
All that being said (or typed rather) as most of you know that read this blog regularly I do not “sell” anything here. My goal is simply to write and to have people read my work. It’s because of that stance that I won’t post direct sales links to Ms. Morgan’s titles, however in place of that I’d urge you check her out on Twitter and from there you can explore her fiction if you so chose:

Oh and by the way, take a few minutes and help someone do something today. Not because you want to make yourself feel better, or because you expect anything in return, but because it’ll make the world a little better off.

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