Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Rules for Dealing with B*tchin' and Moanin'

 People complain…it’s what they do best.
                Sadly, it’s also what many do most often. Rather than offer up a solution to a problem, it’s human nature to tear it down, rip it apart, degrade it, and belittle it. This goes for just about anything from people to practices to politics.
                It’s fine, because it’s human nature. We are by default attracted to the negative in this life. It takes concentration, discipline and focus to remain positive. Frankly, it’s a lot of work. It’s far easier and attractive for the simple mind to offer venomous condemnation instead of creative ideas. Easy is the task of tearing down, rather than improving. I understand why it’s so tempting to fall into that chasm of criticism. It’s who we are.
                However, to be honest, I’ve had enough. I’ve spent the better part of my adult life (roughly twenty years because I matured so quickly) listening to people bitch and moan and complain. They carry on about everything, from that which they don’t agree with, to sometimes even that which they do.
                I mean it when I say; I don’t want to hear it anymore. So I’ve devised a simple set of rules to deal with the constant barrage of denigration from people’s mouths.
1)      You may complain about your situation (whatever it is: work, school, relationship etc.) to me one time and one time only.
a.       Once I have heard your bitch-worthy predicament I will assess it.
b.      If I have personal experience that relates to your brand of dysfunction I will offer that to you for consideration*.
c.       If I do not have any relatable experiences I will either refer you to someone that might, or ask if you want to tell me how you feel about the scenario.
2)      Only when your situation changes due to some action on your part, or change in circumstance, then and only then are you allowed bring up this particular subject again.
3)      If you have taken no action, and nothing in your shitty life situation has improved, or worsened see Rule #1.

Until next time, I too will be making an effort to adhere to my own rules.
Thank you that is all.

*I believe no one should give advice, and for God’s sake no one should take advice

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