Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Lies They Tell You

A woman clamors inside a cramped broadcast booth. Frantically, she seals the door and turns crashing her back against it, and letting herself slide down it as she sinks to the floor.
                Exhaustion has carved its mark upon her once beautiful face. She appears as if she’s had no sleep for a week. Her complexion is greasy, hair matted. She breathes in ragged punches like an over the hill boxer in deep rounds.
                Blinking she wills herself to stand, and her eyes suddenly show a defiant purpose that was missing only a moment ago. She strides towards the control panel, and flips a single switch. In response a bright red sign reading On Air lights up overhead. She grabs the microphone, her hand trembling as she does this.

                She stops, paralyzed by the notion that she has no idea what to say. Millions of fickle, unresponsive, indifferent lives depend on whatever words she’s able to blurt out over the airwaves in the next few minutes. She knows that’s if she’s lucky.  
                It’s critical she make the speech short, but pointed. Succinct though empowering.    
                The red light hangs over her like a threat. Outside the door she can already hear the clamor starting. Time has never been on her side, and now it seems luck has abandoned her as well.
                Closing her eyes, she takes in a long breathe. The microphone gripped devoutly in her right hand. She stops thinking about finding the right words…and. Just. Goes…
                “My name is Heather Vogel; most of you know me as the United States’ Secretary of Defense. I don’t have much time so I want to say this quickly. Everyone that can hear my voice, please pay attention. What I am about to say is of the utmost importance, and I beg of you to carry on my words to those that are not hearing this broadcast.”
                Shouting, though muffled, can be heard from outside the door. Heather certainly can hear it, her eyes flick that direction. It doesn’t slow her dialogue at all.
                “Everything you’ve been raised to believe is a lie.” Her words become strained with uncertainty, but she plows through. “They’ve been controlling the masses all along, since there was a group large enough in need of controlling I suppose. When it started isn’t essential right now, but you must know that you are merely just a cog in a machine, a tool to be profited from by those in charge.
                “Religion as you know it was created to enslave you…” Heather hopes the statement sinks in.
                The pounding at the door worsens, there is something big hammering now, and no longer can the noise be attributed to human fists. Following the thunderous pounding, the sounds of commands being yelled just a few feet from her position derail Heather for an instant, causing her to pause.
                “But that’s not all. Nearly every facet of society has been tethered to a cooked-up belief that was created, nearly implanted, in our very psyche to splinter us, so that we as people would never come together for the common good. Racism, gender inequality, income disparity and a thousand other aspects of our daily lives, all whispered in our collective ears as babes, a real life bogey man to keep us scared so that we remain compliant.”
                The door was failing, the bass drum of the battering ram she supposed they were using would ensure she’d be overtaken soon. She had to hurry.
                This time she didn’t waste a second staring at the door. Instead, she let her eyes wash over the desk she stood at. Besides the microphone and stand she now held, atop it were only three other things: a pistol, an ash tray that held a still burning cigar, and the slumped head and neck of a dead man.
                Tears well in her eyes as her voice thickens with emotion.
                Heather regains control, “Again, it gets much worse, while within the last 100 years we as a society have come to feel that these so-called tenants of life are nothing more than archaic bullshit, and inherently wrong. Yet from the inside out, we rebel against the outmoded ideas of racial dominance, sexism, and orientation so they begin to distract us anew. Since they can no longer stoke the fires of our hatred as efficiently as they once could with religious order, or societal norms, they instead aim to distract us with technology, and the promise of an easy life. From your cancer-causing Smartphone, to the automobile, to the ambiguity of a sneaker. All of these just vehicles of leisure to divert you from the fact that all you’re doing in this life is treading water. You are their puppet on what appear to be long strings, but in actuality is a short leash.”  
                The door can no longer hold it splinters inward in a burst of noise and debris. Heather sees it in slow motion. She can no longer hold back either, the tears rush forward, and her mouth wrenches as she struggles to speak. “I know it sounds crazy, but you’ve got to do something. You’ve got to break the cycle! STOP FEEDING THE MACHINE!!”
                Several forms, encased in riot gear and armed with several menacing looking machine guns swarm the room.  
                Heather sees this, as the On Air sign go dark. She swipes the pistol from the table top, aiming it not at the opposition before her, but pressing it instead against her temple.
                The leader holds up a closed fist, and full team halts their advance.
                Heather looks at them. They return the look but only superficially. At a glance they see only a demented, haggard looking lunatic. They can’t see anything else. They are unable, or perhaps refuse to see she was speaking the truth.
                “Stop or I’ll shoot.” Despite her disheveled appearance Heather looks smugly satisfied. She’s become an empty vessel, as the team stands immobile before her.
                “Do you think millions of Americans will find it odd if I decide to take my own life, rather than turn myself over to you?” this time, Heather’s words spur no response from the riot team. She sighs, “What lies did they tell you I wonder?”
                The group rushes Heather, but not before the pistol in her hand rings out the sound of a single shot.

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