Monday, August 17, 2015

35 years

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the Facebook feature that lets you view memories that occurred on the current day based on a previous year’s post or other activities on your page. Since I write fairly frequently I don’t really need this. As I write a lot about current events and things that are on my mind in the moment, I like to go back through old scraps of writing that I’ve left unfinished to see how I was feeling, or what was going on in my head.

These scraps are usually left by the wayside because I was bored while writing them; if something doesn’t keep my interest not only am I not going to finish it, I am certainly not going to force, or hope in vain, others to read it. This one was a bit different however as I wasn’t really sure if it rang true to me personally.

The below is something I uncovered around the time of my birthday last year. I will preface it only by saying I was preoccupied with getting older, and hoping that meant in some way wiser. And I am proud to say a year later, I think it does. I don’t know it all, but I know I’ve learned something:

To some (of you slower people) I appear to have this thing called life all figured out. Perhaps to some extent I do.

Okay that’s simply not true. To put it plainly, I’ve mis-stepped, I’ve fucked up.   I’ve broken hearts; I’ve fallen down drunk, said mean-spirited things I didn’t necessarily mean (though in some instances they were true, the behavior is still inexcusable).

What I think I’ve learned is I believe where most people have fallen short. Everyone fails. Not everyone learns from it.
Basically, I don’t let history repeat itself. Yes, it’s true, that trait that the universe have been trying to foster in you since you first burnt your chubby little finger on the stove burner as a rug rat…
..Learn from your mistakes!

The secret to a successful life isn’t buried in a self-help book, or any one book for that matter. It comes down to knowing what to do, when to do it, and well frankly…a little luck never hurt anyone.

Get burned by a lover that was inconsiderate of how they held your heart in their palm? Move on, and learn to watch for all those signs that you ignored with the previous inconsiderate bitch or bastard. Don’t set yourself up for failure by dating that same inconsiderate asshole with a new name.
Hate your job in customer service? Fine, don’t quit and go to another customer service job with a different company. Life is too short to despise what you do 71% of the week.
Want to lose weight (don’t we all)? Put down that damn Twinkie and hit the gym, or at least replace that delicious yellow cake with a CLIF bar.
Whatever it is, just don’t expect your life to change if you keep making the same stupid decisions.

Vulgar? Perhaps a bit. True? I definitely think so. The purpose isn’t to live a life without flaws where everyone looks up to you. The purpose is to improve yourself, and following that have your deeds be there to help those that need an example or inspiration.


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