Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Above and Beyond (Rejection)

I may not have the power to change worlds with my words, but I have the power to change someone’s mood, and that’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do. I’ve been writing, albeit obviously unprofessionally since 1998. I am well aware of where I lack certain skills. Just the same, I am cognizant of what I do best.

While what follows may sound bitter and aggressive to some, I’ve written this to remind myself and others not to give up. No matter the opposition, or what you’ve set out to do, keep taking NO for an answer until you can’t anymore, and then do it some more anyway. I could sit here and tell you that it will all work out in the end, but I can’t lie to you anymore than I can lie to myself. I can say, while it’s not certain that you’ll ‘make it’ in whatever dream you’re trying to pursue, you’re damn sure not going to make it if you give up.

 It may not work out, you may never make a million bucks, or fill Madison Square Garden, or have a million people reading a piece you wrote. The beauty of it is; you don’t have to. Start with 50…20..hell start with 1-just be prepared to be satisfied if that’s all it ever is.

Now ladies and gentlemen, I give you actual responses that I have received in around 6 years of submitting queries to agents, magazines and various other publishing outlets, and my candid responses….Enjoy it for the rant that it is!

Your prose is simply not our style.

Style? What the hell would you know about style? Your publication’s mascot is a duck with bifocals! If you knew anything about style, you’d know that it’s always in flux. I may not be perfekt with my spelling or grammar, but I can tell an story and even create dynamic characters.

Pass, thanks.

Really? You couldn’t even scribble a full sentence about how much my writing skills were lacking, or that my narrative just didn’t flow? I suppose you’re too busy what with your staff of 1 person in your office located on the outskirts of Hicktown, Ohio.

Thank you for your interest in Self Righteous Jack Ass Ltd. However, I do not feel I am the right agent for you.

You’re correct, numerically speaking your annual circulation is less than what I make in a day, and you run a weekly publication. I also wasn’t aware you now predominately print calendars about kittens. Maybe you should update your listing in Writer’s Market?

I appreciate your interest in our agency…

Just. Stop. Right. There. I’ve gotten no less than a hundred of these, I saw the ‘but’ coming by the time my eyes reached appreciate. Is it going to be followed by a saccharin statement about how I should keep trying? Wait, don’t tell me, you don’t need to answer. Well that’s fine of you to care, but I’m never going to stop doing what I love. Also, let’s be clear I have no interest in your agency. My only interest is getting people to read what I’ve written.

We’re grateful the opportunity to consider your work for possible representation, but we are afraid we have decided to pass.

Oh hold up, wait a minute, I’ve seen this one before too. Well I’ll tell you right now you are right on both counts, because you should be grateful and afraid. You want to pass on me? I’m going to count myself lucky because within a few months odds are you'll probably be out of business.

We are closed for submissions from February 10th-January 19th. We appreciate your interest and hope to hear from you next year!

Why even bother?

It just doesn’t fit with us, sorry!

Humble in defeat, but as far as being gracious in victory that’s not going to happen. I’ve got a shoebox full of rejection letters and if and when success finally finds me I can’t wait to get crackin’. I’m going to tell off all of you starting from the beginning. Names, agencies and phone numbers of everyone who opted to pass. I’ll sit and I’ll wait for them to express their condolences. All the ones who replied but especially those who didn’t.

Have you ever considered writing young adult? Your style is more suited to their way of life.

I hate being told what to do, or how I should write. It’s not about writing to a formula. It’s about what’s on my mind, what’s inside that needs to be set across the page in black and white, grit and effort. It doesn’t always come easily, but it’s always there. If I don’t say it I feel like no one can, or will. You’ll never convince me that there’s not at least 1 person out there that can benefit from it.  I don’t write to make a buck and I sure as fuck don’t write to sellout.

We regret to inform you…

I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.

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