Monday, May 9, 2016

Wonderful World of Dog Sitting

My girlfriend and I recently went on a trip to Washington State for the graduation from her Master's program at Gonzaga. Below are the actual directions I left for our new dog sitter. I thought they were worth a chuckle, so I thought I'd share them here, enjoy!

Welcome to the wonderful world of dog sitting!
We hope you enjoy your stay here and have compiled this list of simple, easy to follow directions that will ensure that your stay is as amazing as it can be.

I.                    The Dogs
a.       Medicine – Cali (the short haired dachshund) gets 2 pills every twelve hours
                                                               i.      Furosemide (1/2 tablet), Enalapril
                                                             ii.      These can be wrapped in a small piece of sliced cheese and given to her before breakfast and about an hour after dinner.
b.      Breakfast
                                                               i.      Gretchen (the cutest, best behaved dog ever) gets 3 scoops of food
                                                             ii.      Deiter (the furry curmudgeon) gets 1 full scoop
                                                            iii.      Cali gets ½ scoop (she had the some cheese earlier, if you recall)
c.       Dinner
                                                               i.      Gretchen (the cutest, best behaved dog ever) gets 3 scoops of food
                                                             ii.      Deiter (the furry curmudgeon) gets 1 full scoop
                                                            iii.      Cali gets ½ scoop (she will have some cheese later, if you recall)
d.      Water
                                                               i.      They all drink from the same water dispenser
                                                             ii.      It holds about 4-5 days water, but if it gets too cumbersome to fill, there’s a regular white water dish in the garage on top of the dog crates
                                                            iii.      WARNING- Gretchen tends to not drink enough and then over-drink, she will usually have a bit of reflux right after drinking, this is normal, nothing to be worried about
                                                           iv.      WARNING II – Gretchen drools a lot after drinking, your pant legs have been warned
e.      Function Breaks
                                                               i.      All three dogs will typically go outside right after eating
                                                             ii.      We recommend letting them out right before bed (Cali may have to be coaxed)
1.       They will expect a small treat (few bites of kibble) only after all three are inside for the night
f.        Treats
                                                               i.      At some point in the evening, usually after going outside, around 7pm they can have a biscuit or bacon treat
1.       Gretchen (the cutest, best behaved dog ever) 1-2 biscuits
2.       Deiter (the furry curmudgeon) gets 1 biscuit
3.       Cali gets ½ biscuit
4.       Gretchen and Deiter can be instructed to sit before receiving their treats
a.       WARNING – Deiter can snap at fingers though he doesn’t mean to (poor eyesight) we recommend dropping his treat in front of him
g.       Character flaws
                                                               i.      All three dogs lick their paws, we find this annoying, you will too. If you shout at them to stop, they will, for about 30 seconds. Feel free to shout again.
                                                             ii.      Milking – Gretchen may “milk” her blanket (blue Star Wars M&M blanket), this is a coping mechanism for anxiety, her and her therapist are working on it, but until then, it can be considered normal behavior.
                                                            iii.      Gretchen sometimes jumps, do not be afraid to push her off and tell her “No!”– she’s hardy and can take it.
                                                           iv.      Gretchen (sensing a pattern here?) will bark at you when you arrive, calm down and then bark at you later on when she remembers you’re here. This is triggered by you doing mysterious things like, coming out of a bedroom, walking down the hall, or breathing.
h.      Sleeping
                                                               i.      All three dogs sleep in our room, though this changes depending on who’s staying with them
                                                             ii.      If they take a liking to you, all three may try to curl up with you at some point. Do not feel obligated if you do not want them to. NO MEANS NO.

III.                That’s basically it
a.       Help yourself to any food, beverages etc. that you need while you’re here.
b.      Thank you from the both of us for looking after the mutts and the dump!
c.       In case of emergency
                                                               i.      David – 555-1234
                                                             ii.      Sarah – 555-4321

                                                            iii.      Seriously though, if there’s an actual “emergency” call 911, and fill us in after